“Oh God, I Miss Him”: Biden on Trump

In his first, embarrassing press conference since the inauguration, Joe Biden said a lot…

Of course, most of what he said was the usual incoherent babbling everyone’s so used to.

Then Biden made perhaps the most truthful statement of his career, when talking about President Trump: “Oh God, I miss him”. Here’s why Biden’s right for once:

Miss me yet?

It’s the classic line when administrations change over… all of a sudden, you’re thinking about the last guy in a very different way.

That’s seemingly what happened just the other day, at Joe Biden’s first post-inauguration press conference.

Right before announcing that he’d spent the entire run-up to the election lying, and that he’d almost certainly be running again in 2024 (despite the fact that he’s barely able to talk NOW), Biden took a question about the next election:

“Have you decided whether you are going to run for reelection in 2024?”

That’s when Biden broke the heart of any liberal who made the mistake of trusting him.

It wasn’t just that Biden broke his promise of only being a one-term president… it was how he praised President Trump.

Here’s Biden’s full answer… with no room for misunderstanding:

“My predecessor needed to. My predecessor, oh God, I miss him. No, the answer is yes, my plan is to run for reelection. That’s my expectation.”

Given just how much of President Trump’s work Joe Biden is keeping in place (despite condemning so much of it over the last 4 years), that shouldn’t exactly be a surprise.

Just look at USPS postmaster Louis DeJoy. When Trump appointed him, dems like Biden were furious, even accusing him of trying to steal the election. With Biden in power, he could drop DeJoy any time, no questions asked… Instead, he’s keeping DeJoy in the post, proving just how much of a sham their opposition truly was.

The fact is, dems like Biden don’t even know what they stand for at this point. The only way they can come up with their positions is to look at people like President Trump, say “I don’t like that”… and then do the exact thing they condemned.

No wonder Biden misses Trump so much.

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One Thought to ““Oh God, I Miss Him”: Biden on Trump”

  1. David. Bamberget

    Mr. Trump was and
    D is a d
    Good. Smart man. The whole Democratic Party Bull. Shop. Press was working overtime planting and plotting how to get. Mr. Trump out of the WhitecHouse! Back in the Marines in 1962. This is so true for lousy lying Democrats today.,”Bull. Shot. Always. Walks. And. Money. Always. TALKS! It’s not nice but dam true. I give you recent example” one month before the. Ha. Tun off election the Democrats spent 400 million Bucks. Buying votes and they won. Is it right ? Hell no it ducks. Now ask yourself where did the 🥇400 million fraud bucks come from ? Was it us or. Foreign?? The. Bull. Shit is so Freon who knows. Cuhina seems to have sick in the head leadership. The USA and allies saved thier Bacon in ww2. My uncle Walter Reedy was a 20 year young B-24 pilot. He smoked more than his share of. Ks———-e. Enemy. He siurvived the war and was a 20 year man. He lived to 90 years young. Medals- 6 distinguished. Flying. Crosses. 2. Silver. Stars – he would not ever talks about and 1. Purple. Heart. Now there was a common man and when duty called he was ready. I have spent some time with my a— in the grass. Dr. 1965. This story is true and my uncle is unturned in. Arlington cemetery. Check the gvt records if you feel needi live. Uncle. Walter. The end. Dsvid. B

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